
Class activities


Term 2 2020

Prep and Year 1 

English - Exploring characters in stories 

In this unit students listen to, read, view and interpret spoken, written and multimodal literary texts to identify some features of characters in these texts and to create character descriptions. Students will create a character description using writing and images by choosing a character from a familiar story and writing a character description to describe the character development at the end of the story. Students will understand how characters in texts are developed and give reasons for personal preferences. They will create texts that show understanding of the connection between writing, speech and images. When writing, students will learn to provide details about ideas or events, and details about the participants in those events. They will be supported in accurately spelling high-frequency words and words with regular spelling patterns. They will learn and be supported in using capital letters and full stops and forming all upper- and lower-case letters correctly in their writing. Prep students will be talking about a character and responding using some writing and images.


Describing two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects:

Students will compare the geometric features of three-dimensional objects, recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using features.

Investigating the value of Australian coins: 

In this unit students will investigate the value of Australian coins by engaging in a guided enquiry focusing on the enquiry question, 'Which Australian coin would you rather have?' This unit focuses on learning related to the sub strand Money and financial mathematics.

Students will - recognise Australian coins according to their value. They count to and from 100 and locate numbers on a number line. Connect and apply money understanding to the inquiry question.

Prep students: Will Count to and from 20 and order small collections of coins.

Use mathematical language and symbols. Interpret, model and investigate the relative value of coins. Explain and justify conclusions using mathematical evidence.

Using the language of direction:

Students will give and follow directions to familiar locations.

Students will formulate a pathway to a specific location and select appropriate mathematical language to describe position and movement and follow directions to a specific location.

Science - Material madness 

In this unit, students explore how everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways according to their properties. They describe the actions used to physically change materials to make objects for different purposes, understanding that science involves asking questions about and describing changes to objects that are used in their everyday lives.

Students respond to questions, make predictions and participate in guided investigations exploring the effects of making changes to materials and objects. They use a range of methods to sort information and collect and record observations, comparing them with the observations of others. They modify a material for a given purpose, test their modifications and compare their observations with predictions.

Prep H.A.S.S 

This semester, students are exploring their own and family history. They will look at family structures and explore their own personal history. They will explore ways family and friends commemorate past events that are important to them. Students will present stories about personal and family events in the past that are commemorated.

HEALTH- This term, students will  explore how their bodies are growing and developing, and identify the actions that will keep them healthy, such as diet, hygiene and physical activity.

Year 1 H.A.S.S 

This semester, students are exploring how their family and daily life has changed over time.   They will look at family structures and the roles of family members over time. They will recognise memorable events from the past. Students will compare their daily lives of their family now and from the past. Students will share stories about the past and sequence and describe events of personal significance.

HEALTH- This term, students will examine health messages related to the health benefits of physical activity, nutritious dietary intake and maintaining good personal hygiene habits to help them stay healthy. Students will describe how to keep themselves and others healthy in different situations.

Year 2

ENGLISH Exploring informative texts

In the unit 'Exploring Informative Texts', students will read, view and listen to a range of texts to comprehend and compare the text structures and language features of imaginative and informative texts. Students will create an informative text with a supporting image.

Exploring procedural text

In the unit 'Exploring Procedural Texts', students will listen to, read and view a range of literary imaginative texts that contain certain structural elements and language features that reflect an informative text. Students create, rehearse and present a procedure in front of their peers.

In this Mathematics unit students will apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, lifelike and purely mathematical situations. Through the proficiency strands - Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning students will have opportunities to develop understandings of:

      • Number and place value - recall addition and subtraction number facts, represent two-digit numbers, partition two-digit numbers into place value parts, represent addition situations, describe part-part-whole relationships, add and subtract single- and two-digit numbers, solve addition and subtraction problems, represent multiplication, represent division, solve simple grouping and sharing problems.
      • Fractions and decimals- represent halves, quarters and eighths of shapes, describe the connection between halves, quarters and eighths, and solve simple number problems involving halves, quarters and eighths.
      • Patterns and algebra- identify the threes counting sequence, describe number patterns, identify missing elements in counting patterns, and solve simple number pattern problems.
      • Money and financial mathematics- describe the features of Australian coins, count coin collections, identify equivalent combinations, identify $5 and $10 notes, count small collections of coins and notes.
      • Using units of measurement - identify the number of days in each month, relate months to seasons, tell time to the quarter hour, compare and order area of shapes and surfaces, cover surfaces to represent area, measure area with informal units.
      • Shape- recognise and name familiar two-dimensional shapes, describe the features of two-dimensional shapes, draw two-dimensional shapes and describe the features of familiar three-dimensional objects. 
      • Location and transformation- interpret simple maps of familiar locations, describe 'bird's-eye view', use appropriate language to describe locations, use simple maps to identify locations of interest.


Science - Toy factory

In the unit 'Toy Factory', students will understand how a push or pull affects how an object moves or changes shape. They will develop the understanding that science involves asking questions about and describing changes in the way an object moves or can be moved and how this knowledge is used in their daily lives. They will pose questions and make predictions about changes that can affect how an object moves, and investigate and explain how pushes and pulls cause movement in objects, comparing their observations with predictions. They will use informal measurements to make and compare observations about movement and sort information about the way toys move. They will then apply this science knowledge in explaining how pushes and pulls can be used to change the movement of a toy or object they create.

Digital Technologies -Computers: Handy helpers

In the unit 'Computers: Handy Helpers', students will learn and apply Digital Technologies knowledge and skills through guided play and tasks integrated into other subject areas. They will:

• describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) to solve simple problems in non-digital and digital contexts.

• develop foundational skills in systems and computational thinking, applying strategies such as exploring patterns, developing logical steps, and hiding unnecessary information when solving simple problems.

• work independently and with others to create and organise ideas and information, and share these with known people in safe online environments.

H.A.S.S- This semester, students will explore how are people connected to their place and other places.   Students will draw on representations of the world as geographical divisions and the location of Australia and  recognise that each place has a location on the surface of Earth, which can be expressed using direction and location of one place from another. They will identify examples of places that are defined at different levels or scales, such as, personal scale, local scale, regional scale, national scale or region-of-the-world scale and understand that people are connected to their place and other places in Australia, the countries of Asia and other places across the world, and that these connections are influenced by purpose, distance and accessibility. Students will represent connections between places by constructing maps and using symbols. Students will respond with ideas about why significant places should be preserved and how people can act to preserve them.

HEALTH- This term, students will investigate the concept of what health is and the foods and activities that make them healthy. They explore opportunities in the classroom environment where healthy and safe practices can be implemented. Students identify the actions that they can apply to keep themselves and others healthy and safe in their classroom.

Years 3 and 4 

In English students will listen to, view and read a novel to explore the authors' use of descriptive language in the construction of characters. They will complete a reading log that analyses characters from the novel. Students will write a short imaginative narrative based on a familiar theme. 

Mathematics will be comprised of students developing their understandings of number and place value, fractions and decimals, money and financial maths, patterns and algebra, shape, location and transformation and geometric reasoning through the proficiency strands of understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning. 

In Science, Year 3 students will use their understanding of the movement of Earth to suggest explanations for everyday observations such as day and night, sunrise and sunset and shadows. They will identify the observable and non-observable features of Earth and compare its size with the sun and moon. They will make observations of the changes in sunlight throughout the day and investigate how Earth's movement causes these changes. They will create a presentation to communicate their understandings and findings about the regular changes on Earth and its rotation. 

In Science, Year 4 students will explore natural processes and human activity that cause weathering and erosion of the Earth's surface. Students will relate this to their local area, make observations and predict consequences of future occurrences and human activity. They will suggest explanations for their observations, compare their findings with their predictions and communicate their observations and findings. 

Year 3 H.A.S.S 

This semester, students are exploring their community. Students will identify individuals, events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present. Students  will identify and describe aspects of their community that have changed and remained the same over time. Students explain how and why people participate in and contribute to their communities .  Students identify a point of view about the importance of different celebrations and commemorations to different groups. 


This term, students will investigate the concepts of physical activity and sedentary behaviours while exploring the recommendations of physical activity for five- to twelve-year-olds. They examinethe benefits of physical activity and investigate ways to increase physical activity in their lives.

Year 4 H.A.S.S

This semester, students are exploring  Australia before, during and after European settlement. Students draw conclusions about how the identities and sense of belonging for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the past and present were and continue to be affected by British colonisation. Students explore the experiences of contact between Australia's First Peoples and others, and the effects these interactions had on people and the environment. Students make connections between world history events between the 1400s and the 1800s, and the history of Australia, including the reasons for the colonisation of Australia. Students investigate the experiences of European explorers, convicts, settlers and Australia's First Peoples, and the impact colonisation had on the lives of different groups of people. Students examine the purpose of laws and distinguish between rules and laws, they explore the diversity of different groups in their local community and consider how personal identity is shaped by aspects of culture, and by the groups to which they belong.

HEALTH-This term, students identify strategies to keep healthy and improve fitness. They will explore the Australian guide to healthy eating and the five food groups. Students will understand the

importance of a balanced diet and how health messages influence food choices. They will create meal plans that reflect health messages.

Years 5 and 6 

In this English unit, students listen to, read and view a variety of news reports from television, radio and the internet. Students identify and analyse bias in media reports. They evaluate the effectiveness

of language devices that represent ideas and events with the intent to influence an audience. They create a written response to a news report.

There is a heavy focus on problem solving this term in Mathematics. Students will be exposed to a variety of strategies in which they will then practise using. They will also participate in various activities that improve skills and knowledge in the areas of number and place value, chance and data, fractions and decimals, money and financial matters.

In this unit students will investigate electrical circuits as a means of transferring and transforming electricity. They will design and construct electrical circuits to make observations, develop explanations and perform specific tasks, using materials and equipment safely. Students will explore how energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity and identify energy transformations associated with different methods of electricity production. They will identify where scientific understanding and discoveries related to the production and use of electricity have affected people's lives and evaluate personal and community decisions related to use of different energy sources and their sustainability.

In H.A.S.S students will continue to explore the inquiry question How have key figures, events and values shaped Australian society, its system of government andcitizenship? There will be a strong focus on the roles and responsibilities of the three different level of government and the processes within parliament.

Last reviewed 21 May 2020
Last updated 21 May 2020